Monday, July 16, 2012

Symptom Assessment, Food Diary and Elimination Diet in Food Intolerance and Allergy - A Primer

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, cow's milk protein sensitivity and other food intolerance may be associated with numerous digestive and non-digestive symptoms. Some of the most common non-digestive symptoms include fatigue or sense of being overly tired, headaches, bone, joint and/or muscle pain, mental fogginess or impaired attention, nerve pain (neuropathy), and painful or severely itchy skin rashes. The most common digestive symptoms include feeling of excess fullness with meals or afterwards, bloating or distended abdomen, diarrhea, excess or foul gas, constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Symptom Assessment, Food Diary and Elimination Diet in Food Intolerance and Allergy - A Primer

Rating the severity and frequency of common symptoms, in particularly creating and tracking your own individual "Top Ten Symptoms" will be very helpful to you and your doctor, especially when combined with a detailed food-symptom diary. In addition to medical tests like blood work, stool samples, and endoscopic exams, assessing symptoms for severity and frequency before, during and after an elimination diet trial is critical. This helps determine if certain foods are causing or aggravating your symptoms.

The foundation of treating food intolerance usually includes an elimination diet. Prior to an elimination diet, a food diary is usually kept and reviewed for trends by a doctor. In the context of your medical history, symptoms, family history and medical evaluation a medical evaluation is usually recommended that may include blood and stool tests, skin testing for food allergens, and scope examinations of the upper and/or lower digestive tract. Your medical evaluation however could vary widely based your doctor's experience, specialty, biases about food allergies or intolerance and your history, symptoms and age.

Before seeing a doctor for an evaluation for possible food intolerance or allergy you should establish an initial symptom's list that includes your baseline rating of the frequency and severity of your symptoms. This should be done before making any change in your diet or eating pattern. A scale of 1-5 or 1-10 is commonly used to rate symptom severity and frequency. Within 2-3 weeks I will be publishing a very inexpensive symptom-food diary. You may try using a spiral notebook to record what you eat and track at least weekly your personal "Top Ten" list of the most common or troubling symptoms by severity and frequency. With a written record, you and your doctor can more easily track your progress and identify any trends.

For 28 days, I recommend you eliminate all grains, legumes, and dairy as well as processed foods. Foods in those categories are the most common foods that cause people problems. In those categories you find the foods that have commonly identified food proteins, lectins, gluten or casein that are known or suspected to cause symptoms. The foundation for the elimination diet is commonly referred to as the paleolithic, neanderthal, hunter-gatherer, caveman or simply Paleo diet as popularized by the health scientist Loren Cordain, Ph.D. in his numerous scientific publications and book The Paleo Diet.

The basis for the initial diet consists of lean meats and fish (unless fish allergic), fresh fruits and vegetables with additional foods eliminated based on your personal history. For example, you eliminate any foods that are specific to you based on any known food allergies, intolerance or suspected food intolerance because of your genetics, family history, presence of nasal, pollen or skin allergies, or prior medical tests. In particular, certain foods are known to cause reactions in some people who have documented allergies to grass, weeds, and/or tree pollens, house dust mite and latex. The latter food sensitivity association is well recognized clinically as the oral allergy syndrome (OAS). The modification of the Paleo diet based on individual assessment I have termed the Neo-Paleo Specific Diet.

4 weeks or 28 days of following your Neo-Paleo Specific Diet is recommended before attempting to re-introduce foods one at a time, every week to two weeks, while continuing to track your symptoms. This allows your gut time to heal and establish a long enough time to establish a pattern of adequate diet elimination and symptom pattern assessment. Theoretically, this should allow those with dietary induced gut injury or irritation associated with any "leaky gut" predisposition to heal adequately to reduce abnormal immune reactions or absorption of foods and/or food derived proteins and gut bacteria. It also may take some time for you to identify hidden sources of possible problem foods and adjust to your new eating pattern.

You should also be aware that some people experience classic withdrawal like symptoms in the first 3-7 days of eliminating certain foods, in particular grains and dairy products. Gluten, in products made from wheat, and casein, in products containing cow's milk, contain morphine like substances. These can be addictive.

The key to determining if certain foods are contributing to how you feel and the kinds of symptoms you are experiencing, is an adequate trial of elimination combined with accurate recording of what you eat and how you feel. A commitment of 4 weeks strictly eliminating the foods recommended according to your specific assessment while recording accurately what you are eating and how you feel will help you identify patterns and stay motivated to eliminate, restrict or rotate regularly any problem foods.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

List of Autoimmune Diseases, Could You Have One?

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

Definition - "Autoimmune diseases are illnesses and conditions that result from an overactive immune response to substances, tissues, and organs, normally present in the body. The immune system attacks its own cells due to the system mistaking part of the body as a pathogen."

List of Autoimmune Diseases, Could You Have One?

The list of autoimmune diseases, more than 100 of them to date, reads like an encyclopedia of modern illnesses. By far, the largest category of diseases under study by scientists, medical professionals and organizations (like the Center for Disease Control - CDC, and the National Institute of Health - NIH), specific autoimmune diseases are named, based upon the organ or tissue being attacked by the body's natural defenses.

Included in the list of autoimmune diseases, "autoimmune inner ear disease," also known as Meniers Disease, antibodies/immune cells attack the inner ear leading to hearing loss and vertigo. In "autoimmune multiple sclerosis," the immune system attacks the protective coating, myelin, around the nerves affecting the brain and spinal cord and causing muscle weakness, loss of coordination, and vision and speech difficulties.

"Autoimmune fibromyalgia" is probably the most widely known of the list of autoimmune diseases, in which muscle and tendon tissues are under attack by the immune system. This gives rise to a variety of symptoms including body tenderness, painful trigger points, extreme fatigue and a variety of other conditions which include insomnia, anxiety, headaches, hypersensitivity to sounds, lights, temperature, etc.

The treatment of different autoimmune diseases varies, but steroids, anti-inflamatory drugs, and immunosuppressant's, are widely used to treat the list of autoimmune diseases. New treatments and medications are being developed all the time. If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, working one-on-one with a specialist in the treatment of your disease, and self-education about your specific illness, will help you to cope.

The self-education part of managing your disease is vital to your ability to overcome the symptoms. Many foods are catalysts in the list of autoimmune diseases.... meaning, they trigger an autoimmune response in the body. Avoiding allergens and autoimmune triggers requires some research and record-keeping on your part, although your doctor may be able to give you a list of foods and medications to avoid.

In the case of these chronic autoimmune illnesses, inflammation of the body's tissues is caused at lease in part, by the lack of proper blood flow to the affected tissues. This makes it easier for the immune system to attack those tissues because they're already weakened. The entire list of autoimmune diseases and their symptoms can be treated naturally and effectively by improvements to your overall health. In some cases, like autoimmune fibromyalgia and autoimmune chronic fatigue syndrome, nutritional benefits can include symptom control. Improving your diet by including a good source of protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is one way you can manage your disease and your life. For more information on natural treatments of diseases like fibromyalgia, you can contact me now by clicking on one of the links below.

Find out how to survive fibromyalgia!

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a Successful Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

This article assumes that you are already familiar with the Paleo diet and now want to adopt it for yourself. The "Paleo diet" has an obscure sounding name and lots of seemingly bizarre rules: no bread or beans? Despite the list of dos and don'ts, the theory is the easy part, the doing it is the hard part.

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a Successful Paleo Diet

Eat only what the earliest humans ate.

It's that simple. What isn't so simple is keeping your commitment. If you're like me, or most humans really, goal setting easy. How many New Year's Resolutions have you made? How many have you fulfilled? So before you jump into the Paleo diet only to abandon it a few days in, set yourself up for success.

Make a Paleo diet meal plan

My least favorite part about adopting a new healthy eating regiment is that invariably the cookbooks will list out recipes which require ingredients I don't have. Since you can't buy 1 tablespoon of paprica, I end up buying a whole bottle... and more than I need of countless other ingredients. Meal plans are tedious, boring, and rigid. "I'll just go with the flow," I tell myself. The problem is that going with the flow requires a mastery which I do not yet posses. I need a Paleo diet meal plan because if I don't have one, I'll end up eating unseasoned chicken breast and apples for every meal of every day. That is not sustainable.

You can make a plan yourself or find one online but you need a plan. A goal without a plan is only a fantasy. Map out what you'll eat for the next 1 - 4 weeks. You don't need an exact meal by meal "I have to eat this Tuesday for lunch" but you should have enough meals to get you through. You should also make sure you have enough breakfasts, enough lunches, enough dinners, and enough snacks. Never underestimate snacking. If you don't plan for snacks, you'll either ditch your Paleo diet meal plan immediately and opt for a non-Paleo snack or you'll be so hungry when meal time comes around that you don't stick to the Paleo diet meal plan. You don't want that. Include a variety of foods in case you're just not in the mood for something and make sure you, at least in the beginning, stick with what you know. If you can't prepare, or don't really like, the food you're eating, you won't stick to your Paleo diet meal plan.

Evolve: if humans did it, so can you.

Start with foods you know and like but don't stay there. Gradually introduce new foods into your Paleo diet meal plan over time. Your first week should be only foods you know and love. Your second week, try to eat something new once per day. After that, try to incorporate something new and unusual into every meal. A key component to the Paleo diet is variety. Hunter-Gatherers didn't have the luxury of a grocery store, or even a Paleo diet meal plan; they ate what was available. You need to intentionally branch out in the beginning because we have been conditioned to only eat certain types of food (cereal, bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast; a turkey sandwich for lunch, pasta or casserole for dinner).

Ultimately, a written meal plan and specific commitment are crucial for your success in converting to a Paleo diet. Hey, if humans could do it before the invention of indoor plumbing, I think you can handle it too.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Achieving Ultimate Health and Wellness Through Paleo Meals

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

Paleo meals are basically meals that you can eat while you are following the Paleo diet. The Paleo diet, also known as the caveman or hunter-gatherer diet is one that assumes the way the cavemen of the Paleolithic era ate. It is said that the early humans were stronger and healthier than humans of today are. They also lived longer. Aside from the fact that the earth was free of pollution back then, they only ate organic and natural foods.

Achieving Ultimate Health and Wellness Through Paleo Meals

Paleo meals are normally composed of food ingredients that are naturally found and gathered. All processed and packaged foods are discouraged in the Paleo diet. Even rice and cereals, as they are not naturally readily available, are also not recommended.

A lot of people are still oblivious of the health benefits that Paleo meals and the Paleo diet can provide. Some even wonder why they need to eat like a caveman during these modern times. It is said that most illnesses known to humans today is caused by the improper diet that they live by. A lot of foods nowadays contain preservatives, glutens and other substances and chemicals that are supposed to improve its taste or longevity. However, these substances also cause disorders and health problems such as food allergies. The reason for this is that the human body has not yet fully adapted to the new types of foods introduced today. It is said that the human genes need several thousands of years for it to fully evolve. Agriculture and animal husbandry as well as food processing and packaging was only developed and introduced even before the human genes can adapt to its produces. Although humans can ingest and digest the products of agriculture, it is not guaranteed that you can fully benefit from it. In the Paleo diet, you are encouraged to consume foods that are naturally available and need no processing. This way, the nutrients of the foods are preserved so you can reap its health benefits to the full.

What makes the Paleo diet an ideal one is that it does not limit the frequency of your meals. You can actually eat whenever you are hungry. However, your meals should always follow the Paleo food list. You should be able to plan your meals accordingly.

Some tend to steer away from the Paleo diet thinking that it puts a lot of restraint in terms of the foods that can be eaten. But the truth is that there are a lot of Paleo recipes that you can apply to your Paleo meals. There are a lot of ways that you can mix and match your food ingredients and the recipes as well. If you wish to get healthier and fitter without having to quit eating great meals (steaks! salads!) then you should definitely try the Paleo diet.

The Paleo diet is being considered as the most efficient diet regimens out there. With some determination and the patience to research and learn everything about it, you can absolutely live with a healthier and stronger body. Learning about the possibilities that delicious Paleo meals offer can eventually make you decide to eat like a caveman.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Link Between Paleo Foods, Weight Loss and Health

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

Paleo foods may well just be the key to the healthy lifestyle that you have been looking for. The Paleo diet basically pertains to the diet that the cavemen of the Paleolithic era lived by. If you would just let your mind roam, you can imagine how strong and fit they were then. Their life free of eating processed and packaged foods filled with preservatives is something worth learning more about - if you really wish to live a life healthier and fitter than the one you have now.

The Link Between Paleo Foods, Weight Loss and Health

The Paleo diet and the Paleo foods have been associated with effective weight loss. Basically, following the Paleo diet requires the elimination of food sources that mainly contain carbohydrates. As you may already know, carbohydrates are a great source of calories. Excess calories unused and untransformed to energy become stored body fats. This is just one of the reasons why keeping up with the Paleo diet is a clever way to become successful in your weight loss goals.

The Paleo food list does not include dairy and grain products. It is also chemical and preservative free. A lot of patients of illnesses such as food allergies and asthma claim that they felt better and less prone to attacks and breakouts since they decided to follow the Paleo diet.

It is said that the reason why most people nowadays suffer from food allergies is that the human body cannot yet adapt to the modern way of eating introduced to the human race since the beginning of the agricultural revolution. Back in the day, the cavemen's diet was mainly comprised of meat protein. Meanwhile, a third of this diet is composed of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. All in all, the Paleo diet requires organic and natural food choices.

It is a fact that the foods normally found in convenience and grocery stores contain glutens and other artificial chemicals and substances that are supposed to improve the foods' quality in terms of taste and longevity. However, your body is being put under pressure and strain as it tries harder to digest and metabolize those substances. This is why you may feel exhausted at times. Learning about the Paleo diet and the Paleo foods may just help you achieve the strength and fitness that you want your body to have.

Indeed, eating the foods that the cavemen ate makes for a great idea towards health and fitness. However, it does not necessarily mean that you need to eat like a caveman. Your advantage over the cavemen is that you are living in a modernized world where there are recipes for every ingredient possible. There are different Paleo recipes that you can apply to your chosen Paleo foods. Using these recipes will allow you to enjoy the diet and help you keep up and stick to it.

If you are looking for a diet that will not only help you lose weight but also make you feel stronger and healthier, then you should definitely give the Paleo diet a shot.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

No Calorie Counting, No Portion Control: Welcome to the Paleo Diet Basics

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Welcome To the Paleo Diet Basics

No Calorie Counting, No Portion Control: Welcome to the Paleo Diet Basics

Have you been searching for the perfect diet for you? Are you tired of trendy diets that never give you the long-lasting results you need? Are you sick of counting calories and being told to eat portions that are the size of your fist? If you can relate to this, keep reading because I have something different to share with you. I'm talking about the Paleo Diet. It is not a trend or magic pill; it is a way of life that will support you in being in the best health you have ever been in.

The following are some of the benefits to following a Paleo Diet:

- fat loss
- muscle gain
- stronger and healthier bones, teeth, hair and skin
- stronger immune system and
- slowed aging

What Are the Paleo Diet Basics?

The Paleo Diet is a list of dietary recommendations based largely on what our paleolithic ancestors may have eaten about 2.5 million years ago. The foods that were recently introduced with the agricultural revolution are discouraged due their proven negative impacts on our health. This diet is backed by hard science, observations and countless studies. Furthermore, unlike most diets that are focused on specific results such as weight-loss, an increase in energy, or improved athletic performance, the Paleo Diet is about giving the whole body the best nutrition possible so that it functions optimally in all areas.

Guidelines to Following the Paleo Diet Basics

1) Eat a diet that is high in fat, moderate in animal fat, low-moderate in carbohydrates. Eat as much saturated fats as you want! This includes coconut oil, clarified butter, lard and duck fat. Calorie counting or portion control are not encouraged.

2) Eat lots of fresh raw and cooked vegetables. Eat a low-moderate amount of fruit and nuts. Choose seasonal and organically grown produce when possible.

3) Choose grass-fed meat over grain-fed. If you don't have access to grass-fed meat, get meat that is lean because the fat on grain-fed meat can be unhealthy.

4) Eat when you're hungry. It's not a big deal if you miss a meal or two.

5) Don't over exercise. Intense shorter spurts of exercise is a more natural and effective way to stay fit, than hours of cardio at once.

6) Eliminate the following from your diet:

- No wheat or grain
- No beans or legumes
- No dairy (except butter, properly fermented yogurt, raw and properly fermented milk and cheese are fine as well)
- No vegetable oils
- No sugar (other than the sugar found in fruits and veggies)

7) Cutting out these foods may be challenging at first because most of today's fast and convenient modern foods consist of these items. But please know that your body will thank you for it later. These foods are toxic and lead to many diseases that are common today including (but not limited to) diabetes, cancer and autoimmune diseases.

8) Lastly, have fun in the sun and get enough sleep.

Those are the Paleo Diet Basics to being on your way to a happier, healthier you! Until next time, eat well.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lose 15 Pounds Very Fast - 7 Best Tips to Lose 15 Lbs in 30 Days Or Less

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

Looking for the best tips to lose 15 pounds very fast? Whether you need to lose 5 lbs, 10 lbs, or 15 lbs the best program is basically the same: use the most-effective (and most-efficient) diet, exercise, and supplementation techniques. This article will give you an idea of what you need to do to get rid of extra body fat and slim down quickly...

Lose 15 Pounds Very Fast - 7 Best Tips to Lose 15 Lbs in 30 Days Or Less

The 7 Best Tips to Lose 15 Pounds Fast

1. Get focused -- Write down your goal, read it often, and focus all your energy on achieving it quickly.

2. Build momentum -- Create lists of little "mini goals" for each day and do your best to reach them. This is a proven way to build the kind of momentum that leads to fast, healthy weight loss.

3. Do juice fasts -- One every week or two do a simple 24-hour raw juice fast. This will cleanse and detox your body while helping you to easily lose pounds and inches.

4. Avoid processed carbs -- Avoid refined sugars, flours, and other highly processed carbs. You'll keep your blood sugar and insulin levels in check and lose pounds faster.

5. Focus on fiber and protein -- Most of your calories should come from lean proteins and high-fiber carbs. This will control your hunger, stabilize blood sugar, and keep your energy high.

6. Eat a paleo diet -- Natural "paleo" foods are your best bet for losing 15 pounds fast. Some examples: lean meats, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. If you get almost all your calories from these foods you'll lose pounds super fast!

7. Do short, higher-intensity workouts -- Several times a week, do a short, 20-40 minute workout based around high-intensity "interval" training. Besides burning lots of calories and fats, interval workouts also stimulate muscle growth and cause the body to produce powerful metabolism-stimulating hormones. It's definitely the most efficient form of exercise for losing weight fast.

Want to learn more about how to lose 10 or 15 pounds very fast? Then be sure to visit the link below...

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gluten Free?

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

What is Gluten? Gluten is a combination of two substances, gliadin and glutenin, and is produced in some grasses. Wheat, Barley and Rye are all types of grass and most of us have been raised to eat the products of these grasses, namely flour and flour-based foods such as bread and cakes.

Gluten Free?

Gluten is also used as a stabilizing agent in many other foods, and you will often see it as one of the ingredients in canned or bottled food, but is sometimes listed as "Amp Isostearoyl Hydolized Wheat Protein". Because you know what to look for on food labels, you'd think that you can easily avoid it, however, many foods contain small amounts of gluten, and according to many countries food laws, if the amount is under a certain percentage, the food manufacturers don't have to list it.

This means that you have to start learning what foods have gluten in naturally. Lots of very healthy foods don't contain gluten such as quinoa, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds and millet. Other grasses such as buckwheat, corn and rice don't have any in them naturally.

Some people simply cannot eat gluten and have developed celiac disease, whereby their bodies cannot digest gluten. They often suffer a multitude of symptoms including, painful abdominal bloating, chronic diarrhea or the opposite, constipation, and sometimes even migraine headaches. They may also have to endure chronic fatigue, joint pain, numbness in fingers and toes, depression or anxiety and some people seem to develop osteoporosis at a very young age.

A way of eating known as the Paleolithic diet (often referred to as simply "the Paleo Diet") has been suggested as an excellent way to eat. The Paleo Diet works because of the assumption that humans have evolved over many years to eat certain types of food. As Humming birds have evolved to eat nectar from flowers and Eagles have evolved to eat meat from prey, so too have humans evolved to eat food that they have either hunted (meat) or gathered (berries, roots etc.).

As the agricultural revolution began a few thousand years ago in response to increasingly large populations around the world, people began to develop farming techniques that would make it possible to feed all of these hundreds of thousands of humans. Though many foods can keep us alive, such as sugar and alcohol, it isn't necessarily healthy for us, and consuming too much of the wrong foods can and does cause many harmful, and sometimes fatal, effects.

For example, many North American Indian tribes suffer from diabetes to a degree that is three or four times what is currently considered the norm. Perhaps this is due to their relatively new introduction to the foods considered normal by some western civilizations?

The worldwide increase in allergies and food intolerances could possibly also be attributed to diet. The fact is, we don't know if our Paleolithic ancestors suffered from these things the way that we do today, but we do have a very good idea what they ate, based on where they lived, what they had access to and the tools that they used (spears, bows and arrows etc.)

They ate quite differently from the things that we take for granted as normal. Perhaps it would make sense for all of us to try to eat the way our recent ancestors did, or at least to try it and see what health benefits might be easily available to us?

If you were to try this type of diet, maybe you'll find that your migraines would ease-up or disappear completely. Perhaps you'll lose some of that weight you've been promising yourself you'll shed for years? How about that ongoing fatigue that seems to get the better of you every day? You may simply get much nicer skin, acne free and smooth as the day you were born? Perhaps you'll get ALL of these benefits?

I'm certainly not suggesting that you go out and start hunting for your meat, though many expert nutritionists would suggest that you DO eat more fish. Hey, fishing is a KIND of hunting isn't it?

Okay, for everyday meals, you can't be expected to go out and hunt or gather food such as berries and roots, and even if you could, turning these ingredients into a healthy meal isn't something that would come naturally to you. But then cooking ANYTHING may not come naturally to you either; I certainly have to use a recipe book whenever I cook anything more complicated than a grilled-cheese sandwich!

There are plenty of gluten-free recipes available nowadays, as more and more people are trying this gluten-free diet. Many people are reporting substantially improved health and feelings of well-being; perhaps it's time YOU gave it a try?

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 4 Pillars of Good Nutrition

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When it comes to building a sound nutritional strategy both for health and for body composition (fat loss, muscle building or both), my ideas about nutrition currently reside upon the 4 pillars that I have listed below.

The 4 Pillars of Good Nutrition

It's important to continue reading and progressing as our understanding of how nutrition affects the body evolves, the following four approaches are a great place to start your exploration. At the end of this article you'll be find a link which will allow you to keep exploring these ideas in-depth.


What: This is often lopped in with "Paleo" eating, but Primal gives a bit more of a nod to the fact that we do actually live in the modern world. I would sum Primal eating up with the following assertion. If your great grandmother wouldn't recognize it, it's NOT FOOD. Primal eating is about getting back to the basics of what our bodies evolved to thrive on. The best place for tons of free information is Mark's Daily Apple.

When & Why: No matter what nutritional strategy I'm pursuing at any given time, it is always infused by the Primal philosophy. I make exceptions, but I believe in eating whole and naturally grown foods most of the time. It's what our bodies thrive on. The "food-like" substances that are generally passed off as food - using colorful boxes and wrappings - are not and will never be food, even if they taste good.

Potatoes Not Prozac

What: PnP deals primarily with the problem of sugar addiction. The author of the book, Kathleen DesMaisons, explains how the chemical reality of sugar addiction is very similar to that of alcoholism. She then proceeds to lay out a plan to overcome it in a 7 step incremental process.

When & Why: I used this when I first made a big shift towards more Primal eating. I was introduced to it by Coach Scott Sonnon. I can attest to the efficacy of the approach, as I kicked sugar and even coffee (though I've since picked the coffee back up) with surprising ease. I do still indulge in sugar from time to time though. And when it gets away from me, I usually go back to a PnP based diet for a while to get it back under control.

Intermittent Fasting

What: This is pretty simple. You stop eating for a while (up to 24 hours) and then you start again. I follow the Eat Stop Eat approach, which consists of one or two 24 hour fasts during the week. Although simple, what happens in your body is quite complex. The best explanation I've found is from Brad Pilon.

Why: Tons of people lose weight with Intermittent Fasting. I've never been able to. I especially like it for the health benefits and the periodic bouts of feeling empty and alert. I also use it when I'm in "steady" mode - not trying to lose or gain any weight. It lets me eat a bit more or indulge in more calorie dense foods during the "feeding" periods.

Berardi's Precision Nutrition

What: There's a lot more to it, but we can pin the "six feedings a day" moniker to Berardi's approach. He recommends veggies and whole protein during each of these six feedings, and builds his strategies around a list of ten "commandments" that are simple and effective. John Berardi is one of the first influences I latched onto when moving away from the mainstream media version of "healthy eating."

When & Why: For the past few years, I've maintained that this nutritional approach is best suited to very active people who are training a lot or who are participating in some type of sport or recreation at a high level of intensity and frequency. As I mentioned in my last post, I'm using a very similar approach to this right now given the high volume of training that I'm doing.

In conclusion, success in finding and adhering to a nutritional strategy is a very individual thing.  What works for one may not work for another.  But there are principles at play which are universal from one person to the next.  The sources above are a great starting point if you would like to dig deeper into your own dietary practices. To find more information about all of them in one place, visit this page on no-nonsense healthy fat loss.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Benefits Of Raw Food - 6 Benefits Of Eating Raw Food

Paleo Diet List Of Foods :

Following a diet based on the benefits of raw food is an excellent way to lose weight on a naturally way

Benefits Of Raw Food - 6 Benefits Of Eating Raw Food

and it will help you to improve your health.

It is not only important that you eat it; you must know what the benefits of raw food are.

You know the old saying "Power is knowledge" this is definitely true when it comes to dieting.

I'm sure they didn't realize it but our grandparents (the cavemen) were only eating raw food.

They didn't cook their food; heck they didn't even know how to create fire.

Raw food benefit #1 Eat as much as you can:

If you follow a raw food diet you can eat almost as much as you can and still maintain a healthy weight.

Raw food benefit #2 Rich in fibres:

Did you know that there are six types of fibres. The fibres in raw food are called cellulose. They are necessary when it comes to losing weight.

Raw food benefit #3 A clear skin:

Raw vegetables are an excellent and natural resource for a clear skin.

Vegetables are rich in vitamins. Some effective vegetables are carrots, salad,

tomatoes and cucumbers.

Raw food benefit #4 Energy:

An excellent benefit of raw food is that it doesn't contain only vitamins but also energy.

You will feel yourself more fit, you will have more energy and it may even improve your sex life.

Raw food benefit #5 Saturated fads:

Sat fats are bat in your battle against weight loss. This is one of the most important benefits of a raw food diet it contains very little saturated fats.

Raw food benefit #6 More nutritional value:

Food cooked above 116F° will lose a lot of its nutritional value.

Attention!:Your best bet is to consume only organic raw food.
Raw food from your local supermarket are loaded with pesticides.

You can prepare a lot of tasty receipts with only raw food: Think on all the salads you can mate or try a vegetable food. Personally I prefer tomato vegetable juice with a little bit salt, black pepper and Tabasco.
I hope you have a better understanding of the benefits of raw food

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Three Dukan Diet Mistakes You Must Avoid If You Want Fast Weight Loss

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The Dukan diet menu is key to fast weight loss. How you create yours, what meals you put together, is down to you. But be warned, poor menu choices can have a detrimental affect on your Dukan diet progress.

Three Dukan Diet Mistakes You Must Avoid If You Want Fast Weight Loss

It is all too easy to slip into ruts, to overlook things you're doing wrong or missing out on. It is possible to enjoy your time on the weight loss program and to look forward to delicious and exciting meals. But in order to do this you must take charge of your Dukan diet menu. Sloppy planning will have a detrimental effect on the speed of your weight loss. Boring menus lead almost inevitably to slips and binges.

You have been given a list of 100 foods that you can eat and enjoy in almost unlimited quantities. However, how you eat these foods, the recipes you come up with, the taste, the variety and the excitement is all up to you. In this article I will be looking at three mistakes most often made and the simple solution to avoid making them.

1. Not writing things down

I can't remember where I heard the phrase "plans that exist only as post-it notes in our heads" but I remember that the speaker wasn't very keen on them. Most of us muddle through life making plans that we keep filed away somewhere in the back our minds, adding to them from time to time whenever struck by inspiration. The trouble with plans made and maintained like this is that they're are not worth the paper they're written on!

It is all very well walking through the supermarket and mentally adding items we see along the way to a Dukan diet menu created in our heads - as long as we actually put any of these ideas into practice. I've thought of loads of Dukan diet friendly meals ('food experiments' some of them) mentally jotting down the ingredients list and then never actually putting it all together in the kitchen.

The trouble is that it is easy to think and plan out your Dukan diet menu when you're sitting in traffic, on a train, in boring meeting, or waiting outside the school gates while your kids look for missing jackets and sports kits. But it's harder to pop into the shops on the way home and remember all the details of the latest 'Chef's Special' created for your updated Dukan diet menu.

The solution comes in the form of a simple piece of paper (or laptop screen if you prefer). Put aside twenty minutes to plan out a weekly Dukan diet menu or jot down the ingredients and ideas for new and exciting recipes. A small notebook or pocket diary can be useful for recipe ideas. Instead of relying on mental post-it notes, actually write down your ideas when you have them. The next time you are food shopping, you can check your notebook and have a list of ingredients there in front of you.

Writing down the recipes that make up your Dukan diet menu will also help you eliminate the following related problems.

2. Not having enough variety on your Dukan Menu
Once we have found the meals we enjoy eating, are used to cooking and we feel secure in eating (safe in the knowledge that the food is 100% Dukan diet friendly) it is tempting to stick with what we know. This works well for a while but the menu, obviously, becomes very limited and that quickly becomes boring.

One of the problems is that shopping for food that is suitable for people following the weight-loss program can seem like too much hassle when you're tired after a hard day and you just want to go home. In this situation it's tempting just to pick up the stuff you're used to and prepare a meal you've had so often you could put it together in your sleep.

The solution, mentioned above, is having a list of ingredients already written down so you don't have to think about what you need on the spot. The added benefit with writing down your weekly diet menu is that you can plan out your meals. The simple act of writing the same meal over and over again will be enough to spur you on into being a bit more adventurous.

3. Missing out important foods (and drink)

When you are relying on a mental checklist is it easy to forget things here and there. This is especially true when we're trying to remember very unusual or very familiar items. How many times have you gone to a store to pick up one particular item, impulse bought something else, and then left without the things you actually when in there for?

When I go food shopping, I don't have to remember to buy milk. This is because I buy milk every time I go food shopping (my family guzzles the stuff). I'm usually pretty good at getting the normal every day items but as soon as anything unusual goes on the shopping list, if I don't actually physically write it on a list, I'm bound to forget it.

Most people new to the Dukan diet are not used to buying oat bran. It is a new ingredient for most of us when we start the weight loss program and it is easy to overlook. However, if you write down your Dukan diet menu, breakfast, lunch and dinner, in full then you can ensure that your daily oat bran portion is included and not forgotten.

Real-life menus come with a drinks list and your Dukan diet menu should be no different. Drinking water, enough water, each day is vitally important on a high protein weight loss program like the Dukan diet. Some of the toxins left over after your body has digested protein needs to be flushed out of your system. If you drink enough water each day then this will take care of things and you have nothing to worry about. In addition, drinking too little water each day can lead to water retention which will make you look bloated and fat (something none of us want!). A third benefit is that by drinking water throughout the day you will be properly hydrated and so feel fresher and more alert.

By including water on the menu as part of your daily routine you will make sure that you are consuming the correct amount each day and enjoying all the benefits.

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